Category: Community Activities

Community Activities

Lawler Little League is looking for a Girls coach for this summer.

If interested, please contact Mary Gruenberg @ 641-210-9871 or, this is a paid position.

Thank you!

City News Community Activities

The City of Lawler is working with Trees Forever and Black Hills Energy for a community-based tree-planting project.

The city will be planting trees Saturday, May 6, 2023 at 8:00am.  Please consider volunteering to help with city or your neighbors!


This is a great opportunity to work together as a community!!

Community Activities

Lawler Firefighters Foundation’s French Toast, Pancake, Sausage & Egg Breakfast

Please join us on Sunday, April 2nd at the Fire Station in Lawler for a French toast, pancake, sausage, and egg breakfast to benefit the Lawler Fire Department! The proceeds from this year’s event will be put towards a new thermal imaging camera. It will be out please to serve you!!


Breakfast served from 8:00 – 12:00


Community Activities Uncategorized

Click here 2023 Lawler Link Article Irish Fest 20232023 Lawler Link Article

This year’s theme for Lawler Irish Fest is:
Slainte! Irish & Proud

The Irish word for cheers is sláinte, which is pronounced somewhat similarly to “slawn-che.” Sláinte means “health”, and if you’re feeling brave, you can say sláinte is táinte (“slawn-che iss toin-che”), meaning “health and wealth”!
We are proud of our heritage and our community! Come celebrate both at Lawler Irish Fest IX the 3rd weekend in June, Friday, June 16th & Saturday, June 17th!
The Irish Fest Committee has been hard at work to bring you the best festival yet for 2023! Bringing the community together is a goal of the Fest & hope that you and your families will join us for another great weekend of entertainment!
Main Tent opens at 6pm on Friday, June 16th with opening ceremony at 6:30pm for the introduction of Grand Marshals past and for 2023!.
Grand Parade at 1pm., Sat. June 17th. Music all weekend from traditional Irish, Irish Rock, Country, Pop, Classic Rock & of course the Irish dancers to entertain and delight all ages!
Kids activities will be held at Croell Park. Movies in the park both Friday and Sat. night. Inflatables and games.

Activities will include Car Show & 5K.
Food, beverage and merchandise choices available throughout the weekend!
Follow us on Facebook or online at for updates. Consider becoming a volunteer, this event would not happen without the great participation from the community!
Did you know as part of Giving Back to the Community, Lawler Irish Fest Volunteers, in conjunction with the Lawler Historical Society, have been delivering Meals on Wheels since April of 2020? An estimated 1200 meals have been delivered since then and continues to this day. If you have an idea of other projects for Giving Back to the Community, please let us know. You can email or contact any board/committee member.
See you the 3rd weekend in June!  June 16 – 17, 2023.

Community Activities Events Lawler Irish Fest

The Lawler Lions host an annual event where all of the proceeds go to an organization that helps Chickasaw County residents and in the past couple years they have helped raise money for the 3D Mammography at Mercy One in New Hampton and the 6 libraries in the Chickasaw County.  Unfortunately when COVID hit we were unable to host the annual event.

This year the funds will benefit New Hampton’s Kindness Square Inclusive Park. An Inclusive Playground welcomes people and especially children of all abilities to play, learn, and grow together. They not only allow children of all abilities to play together but they allow adults of all ages and abilities to actively engage with children in their care. All Inclusive Play is universally designed and has a sensory rich environment that enables to children to develop physically, socially, and emotionally. It offers just the right level of challenges where all abilities have the chance to succeed. It’s a place where children and adults of all abilities can interact together and do what everyone wants to do; PLAY!

The last weekend of every January, the Lawler Lions host Cowboy Poetry, an awesome night of entertainment.  Please come out and enjoy and evening of laughter and supporting a great cause! January 27th & January 28th.

Lawler Lions Cowboy Poetry Poster 2023

Community Activities

and More City News Community Activities Events Irish Fest Links Lawler Irish Fest

Lawler League Registration will be held this Wednesday, April 27th at the Lawler Fire Department from 5:30 – 6:30 pm.

Lawler Little League is open to current Kindergarten – 4th grade girls and boys.

If you are unable to attend, please contact Mary Gruenberg at

T-shirt orders will be placed on Friday, April 29th.

Community Activities

Flyer Easter Egg Hunt 2022




Saturday, April 16 33

10 A.M. @ Highland Park


Rain Location: Mount Carmel Church basement


Hunt for Easter Eggs, get treats, win prizes & meet the Easter Bunny!!


For Ages: Infant through 4th grade

Don’t forget your camera!!


Sponsored by THE


Community Activities

As for private citizens, we are asking them to contact the Chickasaw County Assessor’s Office at 641-392-2813. Ray Armel has worked with us previously on damage assessment and is prepared to handle those calls. People are being asked to document with photos, estimates and receipts. It’s not unheard of but unlikely that Chickasaw County will qualify for FEMA Individual Assistance, this number will be influenced by neighboring counties as well. The threshold is based on flooding levels into the main level of a residence (more or less the number of inches at the front door), most homes experienced basement flooding and will not be included in damages for FEMA aid.
If you need assistance with any flood damage you can call RAPID RESPONSE Services. They will help you clean up. This is a free service. They have been to Alta Vista and Elma helping.

You can call 1-330-473-9558 for assistance. I have pamphlet in City Hall if you would like to look at it.


Thank you,

Suzette Byrne

City Clerk

City of Lawler

City News Community Activities