Lawler Irish Fest 2024 – 10 Years of Shenanigans & Malarkey!

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Lawler Irish Fest 2024 – 10 Years of Shenanigans & Malarkey!

We are proud of our heritage and our community!  Come celebrate both at Lawler Irish Fest – Celebrating 10 Years! –  Friday, June 14th & Saturday, June 15th!

The Irish Fest Committee has been hard at work to bring you the best festival yet for 2024!   Bringing the community together is a goal of the Fest & hope that you and your families will join us for another great weekend of entertainment!  During this 10-year celebration we’d like to see all area families participate.

The Main Tent opens at 6pm on Friday, June 14th with an opening ceremony at 6:30pm for the introduction of Grand Marshals past and for 2024!.

The Car Show & 5K will also be returning for this year.  Both events keep growing and we thank them for being part of our festival.

Grand Parade at 1pm., Sat. June 15th. Music all weekend from traditional Irish, Irish Rock, Country, Pop, Classic Rock!

Kids activities will be held at Croell Park. Movies in the park both Friday and Sat. night. New this year will be Mega Foam & Bubble stations from Absolute Science.  New bouncy houses, balloon artist, face painting and the ever-popular Coins in the Sand.

More food and beverage selections will be available this year.  Ribeye sandwiches, burgers, brats, hot dogs, pulled pork, pizza by the slice, lobster rolls, nachos and a new fresh lemonade drink station.

Follow us on Facebook or online at for updates.  Consider becoming a volunteer, this event would not happen without the great participation from the community!    

As part of our Giving Back to the Community, Lawler Irish Fest has purchased new, upgraded basketball stations for the city parks.  Installation will begin in the spring once the weather permits. If you have an idea of other projects for Giving Back to the Community, please let us know. You can email or contact any board/committee member.

See you the 3rd weekend in June!