The Lawler City Council met in special session on May 20, 2024 at 7:00 PM.
Mayor Mark Mueterthies presided.
Others present: Jay Uhlenhake
Council members present: Scheidel, King, Wilson, Roberson and Croell
Motion made by King to approve the Agenda
Second by Croell All Ayes. Motion passed.
Fehr Graham sent a change in contract from Bacon concrete to remove old wall and replace with new. They will add area intake behand wall and outlet pipe through new wall. With this change order will be an increase of $33,780.00 to contract price. Motion made by Scheidel to accept the change order presented. Seconded by Croell.
Ayes: Scheidel, Croell, Roberson, Wilson and King
Nays: None
Motion passed.
Motion made by Scheidel to adjourn at 7:02pm. Second by King.
Ayes: Scheidel, Roberson, King, Wilson and Croell
Nays: None
Motion passed.
Suzette Byrne
City Clerk