December 3, 2012
Regular Meeting
Mayor Mueterthies presided.
Council members present: King, Njus, Scheidel & Zubrod. Absent Izer.
Others present: Jay Uhlenhake, Cathy Humpal, Larry Bergmann & Ryan Eichenberger.
Moved by King, seconded by Njus to approve the Agenda with the addition of Lawler Days discussion. All Ayes.
Moved by Njus, seconded by Scheidel to approve the minutes of the previous meeting and approve the bills presented to be paid. All Ayes.
Hawkeye REC Treasurer State of Iowa United States Treasury IPERS Salaries Jendro Sanitation Post Office United Parcel Service Windstream Stanton Electric Iowa Rural Water Assoc. Iowa One Call Brown Supply Company Black Hills Energy Riley’s Inc. Terry-Durin Co. Five Star Coop Rebecca Brincks Shopko Hawkins, Inc. CASH Inc Iowa Utilities Board New Hampton Tribune Mid-American Chemical Iowa Finance Authority Schueth Hardware John Izer Dale King Orlo Njus Jeremy Scheidel Deb Zubrod Mark Mueterthies TestAmerica HD Supply
Library Bills
IPERS Petty cash Readers Digest Country Woman INGRAM Midwest Tape Cathy Humpal
7:00 PM
City Hall
Service Sales tax FICA, with November Salaries Garbage-November Postage shipping November electric repairs annual dues locates water supplies natural gas office supplies electric supplies fuel deposit refund supplies water supplies supplies & fuel remainder assessment proceedings sewer supplies sewer note interest supplies 9 mtgs. 12 mtgs. 8 mtgs. 11 mtgs. 12 mtgs. mayor water testing water supplies
November postage subscription subscription books DVD’s wages
MidAmerican Books
Library Total
November Receipts
General Property Tax Road Use Tax Local Option Tax Library Charges for Services
Police report was given by deputy Eichenberger.
Moved by King, seconded by Scheidel to pass ordinance #280 RE: An ordinance establishing electrical rates into its first reading. All Ayes.
Moved by Scheidel, seconded by Njus to suspend the requirements and pass ordinance #280 into its third and final reading. All Ayes.
Moved by Scheidel, seconded by King to adopt ordinance #280 RE: establishing electrical rates. All Ayes.
Moved by Scheidel, seconded by Njus to open the public hearing proposing the conveyance of land at 7:15 PM. All Ayes. There were no oral or written comments or objections at this time.
Moved by King, seconded by Scheidel to close the public hearing proposing the conveyance of land. All Ayes.
Moved by Zubrod, seconded by Njus to approve the execution of the quit claim deed by the Mayor conveying property to Pat Costigan. All Ayes.
Moved by Scheidel, seconded by Zubrod to appoint Pat Sheridan to the Library Board for a six year term beginning January 1, 2013. All Ayes.
A presentation on library activities in 2012 was given by Library Director Cathy Humpal. The library budget for FY 2013/2014 was presented to the council. Larry Bergmann, library board president, inquired about health insurance for the library director to be considered in the budget.
A committee is planning a Lawler Days celebration for June 21-23. The committee will be presenting their plans to the council at the January meeting.
Moved by King, seconded by Zubrod to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 PM. Ayes.
______________________________ Sue Cutsforth, City Clerk