Author: <span class="vcard">Lawler</span>






St. Patrick’s Stew Supper
Sponsored by the Lawler Irish Fest

Date: March 22, 2014
Time: 5:00 ~ 8:00p.m.
Where: Lawler Iowa
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church Basement

$7.50 in Advance
$8.00 at the Door
$5.00 for ages 6-12
5 and under Free

Come and join us for great food and great live Irish music.

Homemade Irish Stew
Bars and Cookies


May 30, 2013


Lawler Irish Fest is pleased to introduce “The Don’t Be Brothers” playing the main stage on Friday, June 21 from 7:00 pm – l1:00 pm. All entertainment is under a tent and some seating is available, though it is expected most visitors will bring lawn chairs. No coolers are allowed inside the beer tent itself.

Larry Kernagis and Larry Diemer, “The Don’t be Brothers” have been entertaining crowds throughout the midwest for many years. These Irish American Folksingers & Merrymakers, by their own admission, know enough Irish songs to choke a leprechaun!

There will be several other activities on stage as well; please see our program for details. One such activity will be the crowning of the Lil’ Lad and Lil’ Lass contest. Entry forms can be found on our website, along with contact information if you have questions.

Don’t miss Friday night’s fantastic free-will admission entertainment!

The festival committee is still in need of volunteers and would love to have you participate in this 1st ever event. You don’t need to be from Lawler or even Irish! This is a great way to meet lots of people, make new friends, and help make this inaugural event a success. Also, you’ll get into all entertainment on Saturday FREE!

Visit the Lawler Irish Fest website at (go to the EVENTS tab for various links) for details. Remember, you can sign up to volunteer online, purchase festival merchandise, obtain parade entry or Lil’ Lad & Lass contest forms, make an online donations, or simply view the program.

The goal of this inaugural event is threefold:

  • To celebrate Lawler’s Irish heritage

  • To bring the community together

  • To give back to the community

For additional information or questions, contact Pat Sheridan at 563-238-2402

For parade information or questions, contact PJ Rosenbaum at 319-240-9400.


Author’s Note:

Although the following piece is not directly related to Lawler, it ‘kinda sorta’ is. Let me explain. My first ‘real’ job began in 1957 at age 13, working for Uncle Chet McKone and Cousin Jack at the Phillip’s 66 Station on the west end of the business district. Eventually, we moved to the DX Station on the east end of downtown. After graduating from high school, I worked for a couple of years at the State Bank of Lawler before going to college.

Somehow, when I wasn’t paying attention, 56 years passed like 56 days since that first day at the filling station. As this is written, I am 69. I retired from corporate life in Des Moines at age 65, but made the choice to keep busy . The following piece has been sent to an author specializing in retirement topics. He wants material for a book that he’s updating and I have no idea at the moment whether he will use it. Either way, I want to share it with our Lawler website users. Hope you enjoy the story. (Bill)

Your Encore Career: For Fun or Profit

My final day as an employee in the corporate world, as a trainer for a major life insurance company in Des Moines, was on the last Friday in March, 2009.

My first official day as a self-employed writing coach, freelance writer, and author began three days later on the first Monday of April, 2009.

I jokingly tell my friends who knew that I once taught high school English, “My corporate career was really really good…but this encore career is even gooder!”

There were two factors leading to a seamless transition from reporting for work after a 25-minute commute  downtown, to walking a couple minutes downstairs to my basement home office:

1.) The previous 35-years I had written essays and articles for newspapers and magazines as an avocation. Occasionally there was remuneration, and more often simply the pure joy of seeing my words in print.

2.) I had the privilege of having a life coach for many years, Mary Duwe of Mosinee, Wisconsin, who kept me  focused on the task at hand.

During the final year on my job, each week during our one-hour phone session, Mary reminded me of our theme for the year: GET READY…GET SET!

She asked me how my plans were coming toward the next phase of my life. Something she said stuck with me like glue, “Bill, I’ve watched a lot of people retire and have noticed a trend that can be avoided. If they don’t have a plan for their lives every morning–their days turn to mush!” That possibility had absolutely no appeal to me.

With Mary’s gentle prodding and my desire to avoid sitting in a rocking chair at age 65, we made a plan that has worked out phenomenally well.

It helped that I was gifted with several related passions: I loved writing, enjoyed helping others write, wanted to write a memoir about growing up in the 50s, and now had the time to concentrate on all of the above.

To ensure that potential clients know I was serious, the following steps were taken:

  • An attorney helped me form a limited liability company (Sheridan Writes, LLC), so our retirement savings would not be at risk from some frivolous lawsuit
  • Established a business checking account and secured a business credit card
  • Created my own website ( and a business email address (; and ordered professional looking business cards
  • Wrote a nine-word mission statement: “My mission is to help you tell your story!”
  • Networked to find my first clients. A friend who works with professional speakers led me to several folks who needed help writing books, magazine articles, and web content
  • Self-published my first book (Depot Street Memories—The Lawler Stories) to establish credibility
  • Presented readings at service clubs, libraries, retirement homes, and church groups encouraging audiences to write their own stories…even if only on a yellow pad…before those stories are lost
  • Sold a thousand copies of my printed version, and then uploaded it to Kindle and Nook as an e-book
  • Continue to submit articles to newspapers and magazines, most of which are published

Does that mean all I’ve accomplished in ‘retirement’ is work?

Not by a long shot. Renee and I ‘snow birded’ for the first time last year, leaving snowy Iowa to invest the month of February in Florida. I volunteer to teach AARP Driver Safety classes to seniors 5-6 times per year. I go out for lunch or breakfast with former co-workers four or five times per month. I meet my two bible study buddies weekly. My wife and I attend events at Des Moines Civic Center and movies on a regular basis. We’ve reconnected with old friends who were neglected when both did the 9-5 routine. And we go to a bizillion sporting and school events that our two grandsons participate in every year.

It’s been four years since my last day on a corporate job that I loved. As this is  written, I am now 69. Thanks to some great coaching and my own willingness to plan ahead, my days have not turned to mush. And as a couple, we’re having the time of our lives.

My advice to those still in the workforce: Develop a plan. Decide what would be fun and fulfilling. Follow through. Make the rest of your years the best of your years. You do have a choice.

Bill Sheridan

8106 Brookview Drive

Urbandale, IA 50322



and More


December 3, 2012

Regular Meeting

Mayor Mueterthies presided.

Council members present: King, Njus, Scheidel & Zubrod. Absent Izer.

Others present: Jay Uhlenhake, Cathy Humpal, Larry Bergmann & Ryan Eichenberger.

Moved by King, seconded by Njus to approve the Agenda with the addition of Lawler Days discussion. All Ayes.

Moved by Njus, seconded by Scheidel to approve the minutes of the previous meeting and approve the bills presented to be paid. All Ayes.

Hawkeye REC Treasurer State of Iowa United States Treasury IPERS Salaries Jendro Sanitation Post Office United Parcel Service Windstream Stanton Electric Iowa Rural Water Assoc. Iowa One Call Brown Supply Company Black Hills Energy Riley’s Inc. Terry-Durin Co. Five Star Coop Rebecca Brincks Shopko Hawkins, Inc. CASH Inc Iowa Utilities Board New Hampton Tribune Mid-American Chemical Iowa Finance Authority Schueth Hardware John Izer Dale King Orlo Njus Jeremy Scheidel Deb Zubrod Mark Mueterthies TestAmerica HD Supply


Library Bills

IPERS Petty cash Readers Digest Country Woman INGRAM Midwest Tape Cathy Humpal

7:00 PM

City Hall

Service Sales tax FICA, with November Salaries Garbage-November Postage shipping November electric repairs annual dues locates water supplies natural gas office supplies electric supplies fuel deposit refund supplies water supplies supplies & fuel remainder assessment proceedings sewer supplies sewer note interest supplies 9 mtgs. 12 mtgs. 8 mtgs. 11 mtgs. 12 mtgs. mayor water testing water supplies

November postage subscription subscription books DVD’s wages

MidAmerican Books

Library Total


November Receipts

General Property Tax Road Use Tax Local Option Tax Library Charges for Services


Police report was given by deputy Eichenberger.

Moved by King, seconded by Scheidel to pass ordinance #280 RE: An ordinance establishing electrical rates into its first reading. All Ayes.

Moved by Scheidel, seconded by Njus to suspend the requirements and pass ordinance #280 into its third and final reading. All Ayes.

Moved by Scheidel, seconded by King to adopt ordinance #280 RE: establishing electrical rates. All Ayes.

Moved by Scheidel, seconded by Njus to open the public hearing proposing the conveyance of land at 7:15 PM. All Ayes. There were no oral or written comments or objections at this time.

Moved by King, seconded by Scheidel to close the public hearing proposing the conveyance of land. All Ayes.

Moved by Zubrod, seconded by Njus to approve the execution of the quit claim deed by the Mayor conveying property to Pat Costigan. All Ayes.

Moved by Scheidel, seconded by Zubrod to appoint Pat Sheridan to the Library Board for a six year term beginning January 1, 2013. All Ayes.

A presentation on library activities in 2012 was given by Library Director Cathy Humpal. The library budget for FY 2013/2014 was presented to the council. Larry Bergmann, library board president, inquired about health insurance for the library director to be considered in the budget.

A committee is planning a Lawler Days celebration for June 21-23. The committee will be presenting their plans to the council at the January meeting.

Moved by King, seconded by Zubrod to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 PM. Ayes.

______________________________ Sue Cutsforth, City Clerk

City Council Agendas/Minutes

Regular Meeting   October 1, 2012   7:00 PM   City Hall


Mayor Mueterthies presided.


Council members present: King, Njus, Scheidel & Zubrod.  Absent Izer.


Others present: Larry Hruska, Jay Uhlenhake, Deb Straw & deputy Ryan Eichenberger.


Moved by King, seconded by Scheidel to approve the Agenda. All Ayes.


Moved by Scheidel, seconded by King to approve the minutes of the previous meeting and approve the bills presented to be paid. All Ayes.


Hawkeye REC Service


Treasurer State of Iowa Sales tax


United States Treasury FICA, with


IPERS August


Salaries Salaries


Jendro Sanitation Garbage-September


Post Office Postage


United Parcel Service shipping


Windstream September


Stanton Electric electric repairs


Marshall & Swift rental


Paul Niemann Const rock


Test America water testing


Black Hills Energy natural gas


Office World office supplies


Wellmark health insc.


Five Star Coop fuel


Bucky’s fuel


Office Depot supplies


Hanawalt & Sons wood chips


Brown Supply Company street supplies


Bodensteiner Imp supplies


NEICAC refund


CASH Inc supplies & fuel


Sandean Company service


Hawkins, Inc. water supplies


Iowa Workforce Development unemployment


Treasurer State of Iowa withholding


City of Lawler electric at lift station


IAWEA class fee


Schuchhardt Const. park shelter


Jay Uhlenhake lodging




Library Bills
IPERS September


Petty cash postage


Cathy Humpal wages


New Hampton Tribune subscription


Time subscription


Consumer Report subscription


INGRAM books


Demco supplies


Cathy Humpal supplies


Internal Revenue Service FICA & withholding


Treasurer State of Iowa withholding


Ladies Home Journal subscription


Library Total


September Receipts


Property Tax


Road Use Tax


Charges for Services








Deb Straw presented the plans for new Christmas decorations to the council.  The Lions Club will be donating $5,000 for the decorations and an anonymous donor will also be contributing.  The plans are for new decorations and banners for the business district and new decorations for highway 24.  The council decided that some of the old decorations can be sold.


Police report was given by deputy Ryan Eichenberger.  They are continuing to work on nuisances as time permits.


The water project and CDGB funding was discussed, funds will be applied for in the fall of 2013.


Moved by Njus, seconded by King to sell the property at 101 N Lincoln Street to Pat Costigan for $1,500, with the cost of legal fees paid one-half by the buyer and one-half by the seller.  All Ayes.


Moved by King, seconded by Zubrod to adjourn the meeting at 7:20 PM.  All Ayes.




Sue Cutsforth, City Clerk


City Council Agendas/Minutes